algae alligatorweed American eelgrass American frogbit American lotus amphibious yellowcress anchored waterhyacinth annual wildrice arrow-arum arrowhead Asian kelp Australian water-clover blackspore quillwort branched burreed Brazilian water hyacinth Brazilian waterweed brittleleaf naiad bull kelp caltrop Carolina fanwort cattail cattail common duckweed common water hyacinth coontail crested floating heart Cuban bulrush curly leaf pondweed diatom diatom diatom diatom diatom didymo duck-lettuce duckweed eared salvinia elf orpine Eurasian watermilfoil European common reed European frog-bit European water chestnut European water-clover European waterstarwort feathered mosquito-fern floating pennywort flowering rush fragrant waterlily giant chickweed giant salvinia goldenclub grape caulerpa horn nut hybrid cattail hydrilla hydrilla lakecress little amphianthus Mediterranean clone of caulerpa musky marshpennywort narrow leaf egeria narrow-leaved cattail Nepenthes pitcher plant oxygen weed pale yellow iris parrotfeather pitcher plant pond-lily purple loosestrife red snow algae red-root floater reed canarygrass Rocky Mountain pond-lily roundleaf toothcup Senegal tea plant sessile joyweed slender naiad starry stonewort tropical pitcher plant twoleaf watermilfoil variableleaf water hyacinth water hyacinth water lettuce water lilies water mudwort water snowflake water soldier water trumpet watercress waterlilies watermoss waterpoppy watersprite waterstarwort waterwheel plant yellow floating heart yellow pond-lily
List Of Aquatic Plants
List Of Aquatic Plants - List of: